
Here's what I'm all about..

Hey friend – thanks for stopping by! I'm Justin Saffel, a 9-5 Engineer, YouTuber, and Stock Investment Coach from Charlotte, NC.

Have you ever asked yourself the follow?

  • “Is it possible for me to do better in my investments?”
  • "I'm busy enough as it is with work/school/family. Do I really have to hustle to manage my own stock portfolio?"
  • “How can I grow my wealth that not only gives me peace of mind but freedom and flexibility?”
  • “Where do I even start?”

If so, then you’ve come to the right place!

Whether you’ve already started investing in stocks but just aren’t seeing your growth goals, you are just getting started, or you are a little late to the game and playing catchup, I can help you.

Fresh Out of College and a Global Recession

I was fresh out of engineering school, lucky to have a job, and learning about 401K's and how I should start investing early.

But then 2008-2009 recession happened.

At the time I only had a small investment, only about $1,500 in an IRA, and I watched my portfolio get cut in half in a matter of weeks!

Worse than that, this also happened to some of my colleagues who had been savings for 20+ years...

As the banking, mortgage, and housing industries collapsed, many people watched in horror as their home values and retirement accounts grinding lower and lower.

All of the so-called "experts" advised everyone to stay in the market.

"It will eventually recover. It always does," they would say.

Here I was, watching one of the worst financial meltdowns in history occur, feeling worried and stressed that like some of my older colleagues, I might have to work forever...

It was during this season of uncertainty that I began learning how to invest in stocks.

Something that I thought would help me to retire early or at least on time, turned into something else entirely!

Serving Others And Multiple Six Figure Portfolio by Age 35


After two long years of devouring books and content on investing and trying to figure out this stock market thing, I started to see momentum.

We went from a $500 portfolio to a $5,000 portfolio. All from learning to invest in stocks.

It was incredible! I thought I had arrived at the finish line, but it was only the beginning.

Since 2008, my portfolio has grown from a little nest egg to a nearly $500,000 portfolio!

Now I am on a mission to help as many people as I can achieve these life changing results..

Now, I don't need to contribute to my retirement anymore if I don't want to because compounding will make more money than could ever contribute working a 9-5.

Am I special? Did I figure out some magic formula?


All I've done for the past decade is learn all I can about investing in stocks, apply those principals, and continuously improve.

Truthfully that's all investing comes down to.

You know what else? This “continuous improvement” mindset helps take the burden off of you.

You don’t have to be perfect, or have the perfect stock idea. You just need to focus on getting better and making progress!

Honestly – the thing I’m most proud of regarding my investing is that it doesn’t take over my life – rather it serves it!

I didn't have to quit my job and become a day trader to become a successful investor.

Because of my ability to save some of my money and make smart invests in stocks, I now have the peace of mind that my abilities and the power of compounding will take care of my financial future.

Me, enjoying my family and the peace of mind that financial freedom is not just a dream - all because I learned to invest in stocks.

If any of that sounds good to you, then you’re in the right place. Let me show you all that I’ve learned over the past 10+ years of investing in stocks.

It might have taken me months to start making some money and years to hit my investment goals, but you can actually get started a lot faster than I did!

In fact, I want to help you right now!

GET MY FREE GUIDE - The Only Trading Rules You Will Ever Need - 10 Years of Experience Consolidated into One Document

It won't be a 6 figure portfolio right out of the gate, but it will be a start - and that my friend, is the only way to get anywhere worth going!

Get The Guide