It is As Easy to Make $1M as it is to make $1K

Jan 08, 2023

It is As Easy to Make $1M as it is to make $1K

How does that statement feel to you? Did you immediately get guarded and defensive?

Money is a problem for most people because we believe that money and freedom are synonymous.

Since freedom is a core value for most of us you can see why money is one of the most important subjects of your life experience.


The reason most don't feel good about money is that they feel like they have less than they want.

So why does financial disparity exist?

If I said it is easy to make $1000, you would probably be ok with that statement because maybe you have a nice salaried job that pays you well.

If you needed to make $1K today, you could probably come up with a few ways to do that.

However, if I asked you to come up with $1M today unless you are already a millionaire, you would have some serious resistance toward this request.

You would probably come up with many reasons why that could never happen.

Everything human beings have ever created was first created in our minds.

Your mind can be a powerful creation tool or a destructive one. Fortunately and unfortunately, this is a choice.

Most people create by default, meaning that they create by accident because there is no intention behind their actions. Their thoughts are messy and therefore their results are inconsistent.

If you set a goal to make $1M but you come up with many reasons why you can't achieve this, then you will block yourself off from possible opportunities that exist for you.

It doesn't matter the relative size of the goal, if your thoughts are divergent, then your goal will be difficult to achieve.

But if you can learn to align what you want with how you think, your emotions will follow and if you get your emotions to follow, then your energy will also get aligned and organized. Once your wants, thoughts, emotions, and energies are all aligned with what you want then your actions will follow and the universe has to bring you what you want.

Organize your mind and the whole system in one direction and anything you wish can happen.

It is that simple.

Unfortunately, so many people fail because they haven't learned to prioritize what they want and create in their minds on purpose.


Most people don't know what they want.

Here are the top five reasons that most people don't have the money that they desire.

  • No clarity about what they want

  • Limiting beliefs about what one can achieve

  • Divergent and messy thinking about what they want

  • Distractions away from what they want

  • Misalignment of energy and actions


It doesn't have to be this way, you really can get what you want.


A Short Story:

I have always been very interested in investing in stocks.

At first, I believed that a 20% gain in the market was difficult to achieve.

I believed that it was impossible to beat the market.

After some studying, I found people who had achieved miraculous gains in the triple digits or more. People like William O'Neil, Mark Minervini, Mike Webster, Gil Morales, And Chis Katcher to name a few.

Pretty soon I had amassed a long list of people who had beaten the market by a long shot.

I had my evidence.

Then, I started believing it was possible and got my goals, thinking, energy, and actions aligned.

It took some time. It didn't happen right away but I got my first general market beat and then my first triple-digit year.

Since then, I believe anything is possible and I've had many successful years of better-than-market gains and a few triple-digit years too.

If it is something that you want, anything is possible you just have to get in alignment first.


You have to get focused!


Here's how to step by step:

8 Steps to focus and alignment in any area of your life.


Step 1: Choose an area of life you want to improve.


There are 3 core areas of our lives that most people want to improve are:

  • Heath

  • Wealth

  • Happiness


Once we have health, the next logical area people want to improve is wealth. Of course, once you have health and wealth it makes sense to work on your happiness. It doesn't have to happen in that order though.

An improvement in any one of these areas can make a big difference. If you really want to move the needle in your life, pick the one that feels most out of balance for you, then narrow your focus.

If you have good health and you are already wealthy, maybe you focus on your happiness. Go for a walk and as yourself, "What will create more happiness in my life." Feel your way through it, and contemplate deeply.

For the purpose of this post, we will select money as an area to improve.


Step 2: Get Clear About What You Want (why?)


Don't get bogged down in how for now, just focus on what you want and get very clear on why you want it.

This doesn't need to be a difficult task. Be easy with it. Don't take it too seriously at first. Just imagine what it would be like. Take out a journal and complete the writing prompt: Wouldn't it be nice if...

If you were writing about money, you might say something like, wouldn't it be nice if I have some extra money to go on a vacation to Costa Rica this year.

Keep it going by continuing to ask the writing prompt. Wouldn't it be nice if I made an extra $500/mo so I can contribute to an investment account.

Once you have settled on an idea about what you want, then get clear on WHY you want it.

You want to get beyond the surface level why though. In order to do this you need to ask a minimum of 7 times.

Ask yourself, "why do I want to make more money?"

You might get a surface-level answer like, "because I want to go on vacation this year."

Keep going and you will find a deeper-level reason. When I asked myself why I wanted to be financially free and went 7 whys deep, my answer was clear.

I wanted to be in control. I wanted control of my future and the future of my family. This is what drives me.

Now that you know what you want and why you can focus on the how.


Step 3: Understand the Fundamentals


This is where many people get caught up. They get too focused on the technicals (specific how-to's) when they should be focused on the fundamentals (high-level how-to's).

Remember that the fundamentals get results. The technicals can add to the results but only after the fundamentals are mastered and made a habit.

For the area of making more money, you need to make your money make money for you and then compound it. This is a universal principle for growing your wealth.

If you want to be financially free, you have to stop trading your time for money. 


Step 4: Create an ability-based goal (don't be afraid to get outside your comfort zone)

When most set goals, they are not specific enough. Goals like I want to be rich or I want to be physically fit are not specific enough.

These are known as vanity goals. Go deeper. We want to have SMART goals. SMART goals are:

S - Specific, M- Measurable, A - Attainable, and T- Time-Bound

When I was first starting out investing I was fortunate to be working full-time for a company that had a 401K match of 5%.

This means that they would match 100% of your pre-tax contribution. That is a 100% return on your investment. I immediately made a goal to save at least 5% of my income and to increase my contribution by 1% every year until I reached 10%.

Try to push yourself and don't be afraid to get outside your comfort zone.

Step 5: Continuous improvement (make a commitment to get 1% better every day)

Once you start your journey, find ways to continuously improve yourself.

Remember that 1% better every day is 365% better by the end of the year.

The fundamentals will get you started but if you really want to compound your results, then you have to keep improving.

My next goal was to learn how to make money faster. I wanted to learn how to beat the market. While my money was making money, I was learning how to make money faster.

Don't get trapped in absorbing information though, you have to apply your new knowledge.


  • get started and fail fast

  • analyze and accept your results

  • if you are not happy with your results, find ways to improve

  • compound your improvements

  • focus on the process, the results will come


Step 6: Make Time (block out 30-60 min/day)

There is nothing wrong with working for someone else. I still have a full-time job as an engineer but if you want to make your dreams a reality, you have to spend some time on them.

If you don't have a lot of time yet that's ok, make just a little bit. Block out 30-60 per day to focus on your dreams.

If you want to make progress on your dreams, then you have to dedicate the time.

Step 7: Remove Fear and Doubt (keep going)!

Your journey may not always be easy. Let's face it, you are going to experience setbacks. You are going to experience fear and doubt.

Fear and doubt are just delay mechanisms that are keeping you from getting what you say you want.

They are the old primal parts of your brain keeping you from harm. Survival instincts if you will.

These are illusions, just mind-made stuff.

Where does learning come from? Failure and sometimes struggle.

Remind yourself why you're pursuing your dreams and remove all fear and doubt.


Step 8: Every Rep Counts (focus on process and not progress)

Treat your goal like a muscle. Everything gets stronger with repetitions.

Don't expect instant results even with courses, coaching and, systems.

You have to go to the gym and put in the reps to get stronger. Sitting on the couch is not going to do it.

Focus on the process and not the progress. 1% better every day.

  • Identify an area of your life you want to improve
  • Get clear about what you want and why
  • Make SMART goals
  • Make time
  • Stay focused
  • Put in the reps!


What happened this week?

My new course, The Art of Trading Workshop - Short Selling Mastery, is off to a great start. It launched last month and we have 10+ students putting in reps.

If you want to learn a skill that will enhance your investment portfolio and help you make money even in a down market, check this out. 


 The Art of Trading Workshop - Short Selling Mastery 


We are having a goal-setting workshop inside The Art of Trading Workshop community next month. Our goal is to help everyone create their own system for their goals, whether it be getting physically fit, making more money, or just spending more time with family.

Join over 80 members in our Discord Community with plenty of free content and premium services like weekly watchlists, trader chat, and my model stock portfolio. 

2. If you are looking for an excellent freebie, then download one of my free guides

Download and study one of my free guides

When you're ready, 3 way's I can help you:

1. The Individual Investor OS Course: Ready to take your investing to the next level? Join us at The Creative Investor Academy, where you'll gain access to comprehensive strategies and tools designed to amplify your financial growth. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your investment approach, our course will empower you with the knowledge you need to succeed. Learn more and enroll today.

2. Unlock Your Financial Potential with a FREE limited time only 60-Minute 1-on-1 Strategy Session! Are you ready to take control of your financial future? Book a personalized 60-minute strategy session with Justin Saffel today. Gain actionable insights, tailored investment strategies, and the confidence to make smart financial decisions. Let's turn your financial dreams into reality! All I ask in return is that if you received value to leave a review.

3. Investing Done for You: Are you tired of playing it safe with your money and missing out on exciting investment opportunities? Don't have time to manager your portfolio? It's time to take control and join the CreativeVest Performance Fund. Setup you free 1:1 Strategy Call today. 

***$100,000 min AUM***

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