TWI #44 - How to Get Out of a Rut Fast

Aug 13, 2023

August 12, 2023

Read Time: 7 min 


This letter might have been the hardest one to write. It took me nearly 6 months to write it.  

I was inspired to write this letter after stumbling upon a person promoting mental health awareness. As you might have noticed, I took a short leave from writing my newsletter. 

I had some contrasting experiences that had me feeling a little lost.

I hope this will help you gain some perspective if you're experiencing a similar situation. 

There has been a pattern that I have noticed over the past several years, and I am going through it right now. 

It goes something like this:

- Clarity Phase

- Focus Phase

- Endurance Phase

- Contrast Phase (Lost)

- Re-emergence 

Let's dig into how this works and maybe I can save you a few months of "Lost Phase". 


What Phase Are You In? 

Clarity Phase: 

I enter a phase of absolute clarity: a profound understanding dawns upon me, accompanied by a compelling sense of purpose. I possess the exact skill set required to execute upon my vision. All that remains is to pursue and seize the opportunity.

Focus Phase: 

A period of unwavering focus emerges, where substantial progress is made. I find myself enveloped in the state of flow, where productivity is at its peak. The skills I've cultivated act as catalysts, propelling me toward greater physical well-being, increased abundance, and more fulfilling connections with others.

Endurance Phase: 

The demand to uphold the gains achieved necessitates a structured approach, meticulous prioritization, and a willingness to make further sacrifices. However, this endeavor can eventually devolve into disarray when the anticipated advancement don't materialize. The cherished aspirations that comprise my ideal future seem to be slipping through the cracks.

The Contrast (Lost) Phase: 

Having manifested the very purpose envisioned during the phase of clarity, I now find my mind shrouded in uncertainties about the future. This marks a combination mental and spiritual juncture that many individuals find themselves ensnared within, unless they acquire the skills to navigate through the dark. 

The phase of contrast can be very difficult and destructive, but I have recently learned to be more at peace with it.

I hope that you can learn something from my experience as you go deeper into this newsletter.

Re-emergence Phase:

The contrasting experience from the last phase causes me to seek more clarity about what I want. The increased clarity spawns additional insight and inspiration. Out of the dark I re-emerge with a new purpose.


Escaping Negative Patterns: Embrace the Gift of Contrast

Contrast and uncertainty hold wisdom, prompting clarity to emerge.

Amidst these paradoxes, feeling lost creates opportunities for growth.

However, many, including myself, get ensnared in these contrasts, perpetuating the sense of being adrift.

From negative thoughts springs a cascade—negative emotions, habits, even adverse realities.

This treacherous path imprisons us, as reinforcing experiences echo our initial negativity.

This cycle, commonly known as a rut, persists.

Life's chapters usher us into the unknown, triggering change.

Yet, our primal instincts resist discomfort, reverting to archaic fear and doubt patterns.

While useful against primal threats, these patterns hinder us in the modern world.

Breakups, graduations, career shifts—each juncture raises the question, "What next?" This inquiry can plummet us into negativity or lead to transformative revelations.

Everyone navigates these phases, integral to our evolution.

However, the joy of these phases often eludes us.

We oscillate from clarity to contrast, gripped by fear and doubt, stifling possibility.

Shifting from this cycle is possible.

Change your thoughts, beliefs, and manifestations.

Surrender to contrast, viewing it as a chance for clarity and renewed purpose.

Remember, you're never trapped. Choose transformation. 

Release the cycle, emerge from the abyss, and evolve.


Ancient Life Principals to Help Navigate the Phases

Living the Paradoxical Unity:

From contrasts emerges beauty.

Life entwines with death.

Day opposes night.

Male counters female.

Clarity finds its foil in contrast.

The duality of Yin and Yang echoes across existence.

There are countless concepts across the universe with such dichotomy.

In our world of categorization—good or bad, ugly or beautiful, right or wrong—we find dualities.

Yet, this critique isn't always vital or helpful. Self-judgment and criticism can inflict wounds.

Pause to ponder—might this be a simple mind game?

Imagine embracing paradoxical unity openly.

Can life be an undivided journey, beyond labels?

Could you relinquish constant critique to simply exist?

Picture life as seamless as an eagle's flight, as serene as a cow's graze.

Embrace being—an entity without appraisal, living in tranquility, unburdened by judgment.


"Imagine yourself as an otter just living your otterness." - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer 


Living In Flow: 

You are water and water is you. You are 75% water and your brain is 85% water. 

If water stays stationary, it will become stagnate: if it is allowed to flow, it will stay pure. 

Forget fighting with life and trying to be something or somewhere else instead, be like the material that you're made of. 

Water doesn't seek high spots above everything but settles for the low places. 

It gathers in lakes, rivers, streams and the sea only to evaporate and fall as rain. 

It doesn't intend to provide nourishment to our fields or quench our thirst, it just is. 

Since you are water live as water lives. 

Allow your thoughts and behaviors to flow smoothly. 

If you are in a tough spot, be patient with yourself and surrender to what is. 

Remember that even though water is soft, with time it can erode away the toughest, hardest rocks. 


Living a Unhurried Life 

Consider a possible way of living where you become at one with your surroundings and at the same time you are so still and relaxed that you allow all things to settle around you, resulting in deep clarity. 

Imagine that you are a sprout beneath the Earth waiting unhurriedly to emerge. 

You cannot be rushed, nor can anything in nature be rushed. 

Creation takes place in it's own time. 

Be like the sprout unhurried and confident; yielding and willing to be still and wait for the waters to be clear. 

Let go of any demands that you have and allow the perfect unfolding of your natural life. 


" When the work is done, it is forgotten."  - Loa-tzu 


What happened this week?

This week I re-engaged my work on my new course and decided to launch it as a live interactive course so I could edit it real-time with your input.

Never lose money in your 401K or IRA to a market correction again! How anyone can manage their own 401K or IRA portfolio and beat the market without taking on unnecessary risks.

Pre-register for the course today to reserve your spot and secure your early registration 10% discount when the course comes available for purchase.  

Pre-Register Here



When you're ready, 3 way's I can help you:

1. The Individual Investor OS Course: Ready to take your investing to the next level? Join us at The Creative Investor Academy, where you'll gain access to comprehensive strategies and tools designed to amplify your financial growth. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your investment approach, our course will empower you with the knowledge you need to succeed. Learn more and enroll today.

2. Unlock Your Financial Potential with a FREE limited time only 60-Minute 1-on-1 Strategy Session! Are you ready to take control of your financial future? Book a personalized 60-minute strategy session with Justin Saffel today. Gain actionable insights, tailored investment strategies, and the confidence to make smart financial decisions. Let's turn your financial dreams into reality! All I ask in return is that if you received value to leave a review.

3. Investing Done for You: Are you tired of playing it safe with your money and missing out on exciting investment opportunities? Don't have time to manager your portfolio? It's time to take control and join the CreativeVest Performance Fund. Setup you free 1:1 Strategy Call today. 

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