For Time-Strapped Individuals Who Want to Accelerate their Investing Journey, Create a Passive Money Machine, and Achieve Financial Independence.

The Individual Investor Operating System

Kickstart Your Investments in just 14 days


The Individual Investor OS is a community of ambitious entrepreneurs, creators and professionals. 


Join us and get access to the systems and strategies that will help you master your finances, become an individual investor and finally achieve financial independence — now tailored to fit seamlessly into your busy lifestyle — so you can build a strong financial foundation 10x faster.


But unlike other courses, you won't learn passively, you'll take action towards financial freedom, build lifelong friendships, and create a passive money machine. 


Stop Overthinking.

Finally start growing your wealth in 2024

Join Us Today

Have you ever wanted to start investing but you weren't sure how to take the first step? 

Are you overwhelmed with the number of different investment platforms, options, and strategies out there? 


Have you started investing, but you're not seeing much progress toward your goals? 

Are you stuffing money into your retirement account, saving as much as you can, never really gaining traction?


Do you spend hours researching stocks and investment strategies, but struggle to get results?

Do you find yourself wondering if you are doing more harm than good? 


Overcome Your Biggest Investing Challenges and Finally Start Building Wealth Consistently

All Individual Investors Face the Same 10 Problems:


  • Too Many Options: The vast array of investment choices leaves you feeling paralyzed and unsure where to start.
  • Lack of Knowledge: Without a solid understanding of investment basics, every step feels daunting and risky.
  • Fear of Failure: The fear of making the wrong decision holds you back from taking any action.
  • Unreliable Information: You've tried following various investment advice, but much of it has led to confusion and poor results.
  • Inconsistent Strategies: Your efforts to create a consistent investment strategy have fallen short, leaving your portfolio unbalanced.
  • Wasted Time and Money: Despite your best efforts, you've spent countless hours and dollars without seeing meaningful progress.
  • Minimal Returns: Despite your hard work, your investments are not yielding the significant returns you expected.
  • Effort Without Results: You're putting in the time and energy but not seeing your efforts compound into substantial growth.
  • Over-activity: Constantly adjusting your investments without a clear strategy is leading to burnout and frustration.


Destroy Your Bad Investing Habits Once and For All 

The Three Killers of Successful Investing.  


Bad Habit #1: Overcomplicating Your Investments

So many aspiring investors think success is about mastering complex strategies and picking the "perfect" stocks. It's not. The most successful investors simplify their approach, focusing on consistent, smart decisions rather than trying to outsmart the market. Overcomplicating your investments can lead to confusion, stress, and poor decision-making.

Bad Habit #2: Inconsistent Investing

Have you ever started an investment plan only to abandon it a few months later? This is one of the most common challenges among busy professionals. Life gets hectic, and maintaining a consistent investment strategy falls by the wayside. Inconsistent investing results in missed opportunities and stunted financial growth.

Bad Habit #3: Reacting to Market Noise

As soon as you react to every market fluctuation and piece of financial news, you set yourself up for failure. Emotional reactions to market noise can lead to impulsive decisions that harm your long-term investment goals. Successful investing requires a steady hand and a clear, disciplined strategy that isn't swayed by short-term market movements.

Simplify Your Investment Process

Overwhelmed by complex investment strategies?

Simplify your approach and focus on what really matters. Our framework breaks down the investment process into manageable steps, making it easy for you to follow and implement without feeling overwhelmed.

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Gain Confidence in Your Investment Decisions

No more second-guessing yourself.

With our structured, step-by-step framework, you'll make informed investment decisions with confidence. The fear of making the wrong choice will be replaced with the assurance that you’re on the right path to financial growth.

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Achieve Consistent Financial Growth

Say goodbye to stagnant portfolios.

By following The Individual Investor OS, you’ll see consistent growth in your investments. Your hard-earned money will work harder for you, leading to significant financial progress and independence.

Start Investing

Maintain a Consistent Investment Routine

Stop the start-and-stop cycle.

Develop a consistent investment habit that fits into your busy schedule. Our framework helps you stay on track, ensuring that you’re regularly contributing to and adjusting your investments for optimal growth.

Join Individual Investor OS

Becoming a individual investor can completely change your life - it changed mine.


Becoming an Individual investor can completely change your life - it changed mine.

If we haven’t met before - Hi, my name’s Justin Saffel 👋

I’m an engineer turned individual investor, investment advisor, and educator.

I started seriously investing in 2010 when I was 24 years old right after the 2008 financial crisis, while balancing my full-time job as engineer and starting a family.

I started off with no knowledge, no experience, and no clear strategy. I knew absolutely nothing about stock trading, portfolio management, or financial planning, but after studying hundreds of resources and tutorials, I figured out the basics.

Growing my investment portfolio was a challenge at first.

I was working 50-60 hours a week in the construction industry, commuting 2 hours a day, and trying to maintain my health and social life.

That didn’t leave a lot of time to focus on investing.

But I knew I wanted the freedom and flexibility that a profitable, sustainable investment strategy could give me…

By 30, my investment portfolio had grown significantly, and I hit my first $100k.

Just 7 years later, I had competed in the United States Investing Competition, hit multiple investing milestones and in 2024 made the decision to become an investment advisor and start my asset management company.

In just 6 months my assets under management (AUM) have grown zero to nearly $4M and I began a mission to achieve financial independence in the next 5 years.

Now, I’ve founded The Creative Investor - Individual Investor OS so I can:

  • Teach people the systems I use to manage my entire portfolio in just 4 hours per week.
  • Help others accelerate through the learning curve, become individual investors, and achieve financial freedom.
  • And, make good personal finance and investment knowledge accessible to all.

I genuinely look forward to Mondays, working with individual investors, and doing what I love, with a lot of freedom, fun, and flexibility. I get messages every day from people saying my investment advice has changed their lives.

And because of the passive income generated from my investment portfolio and asset management company, I’m on track to reach financial independence in the next five years at 42 years old.

I know, it’s absolutely incredible.

I think it’s fair to say that investing has completely changed my life.

And I fundamentally believe that if you take it seriously, and figure out how to sustainably grow your investments, it can change your life too.

So what's the secret strategy?

How do you become a savvy individual investor without sacrificing all your free time?


You build an investment strategy and system. 

That's the "Secret". 


If you can systematize and streamline your investment strategy, you'll be able to make informed, effective investment decisions that enhance your portfolio and grow your wealth, all without giving up your precious time.


Consider how Starbucks delivers a consistent experience worldwide. Starbucks has mastered the art of systemizing their operations. Their systems are so refined that they can serve a massive volume of customers with impressive efficiency.

Just like Starbucks (and indeed, any successful business), you want to build a system around your investment strategy and personal finances.

Systems create leverage. Leverage is how you maximize your returns while minimizing effort.

That's the true secret to becoming a successful Individual Investor. Build a system.

  • Build a system for financial planning and goal setting.
  • Build a system for getting to critical mass in investments sooner.
  • Build a system for managing and adjusting investments based on performance and changing goals.
  • Build a system for researching and analyzing investment opportunities.
  • Build a system for identifying high-potential stocks, ETF's, bonds, or real estate investments.
  • Build a system for portfolio diversification and risk management.
  • Build a system for staying informed on market trends and economic indicators.

And no - this doesn’t strip the art out of investing. On the contrary, it amplifies it, because you're spending your time on the aspects of investing that get you results.

When you systemize every aspect of your investment strategy, you're able to maximize your own time effectively.

This means you can make smarter investment choices without dedicating every waking moment to it.

Of course, intelligent investing will still require effort. But with a system in place, it demands considerably less time.

I've developed these systems for my personal finances, investments, assets under management (AUM) and investment advisory firm. And I'm here to help you build yours too.

Join The Individual Investor OS

Individual Investor OS is a Community of Freedom Fighters


The Individual Investor OS is an online community, resource library, and co-working space to help you become an individual investor, take control of your future, and achieve your financial goals alongside other ambitious entrepreneurs, creators, and professionals.  

But the goal of Individual Investor OS isn't just about helping you multiply your money. It's about helping you finally achieve financial independence so you can do more of what matters to you in work and life, while enjoying the journey along the way. 

And we do all this, like Alchemists, turning our dollars into more dollars. 

How? Let me show you.... 


Here's what you get when you join Individual Investor OS 


By joining the program you'll gain access to a thriving community and curriculum designed to accelerate your investing journey and put you on a path to financial independence. 

Here's a sneak peek into the suit of things that await you:

The Individual Investor OS Curriculum

The Individual OS is a self-paced curriculum designed to teach you how to be a successful individual investor without the steep learning curve. 

  • All the fundamentals of individual investing  
  • Proven frameworks for budgeting, eliminating debt and retirement planning 
  • Tax deferred investment strategies for your 401K and IRA's 
  • Simplified and Advanced Index Investing Operating Systems (the same systems I use daily to manage over $4M in assets)
  • Investing tech, tools, and tactics 

And so much more!

(Individual investors frequently tell us the investing systems alone should cost upwards of $10,000. But we are on a mission to help 10,000 people become individual investors and forge a path to financial independence, so we've made it much more accessible than that!)

The Creative Investor Workshop Community 

The Creative Investor Workshop Community is a closed community platform where individual investors can introduce themselves, chat with investors, interact and comment on each module, make friends, share resources, and more. 

This is also where you can find investor-led events and participate in community-curated experiences!

Individual investing can be lonely, but it doesn't have to be. 

Inside our workshop community, you'll be able to meet and connect with hundreds of other likeminded individual investors and financial freedom enthusiasts on the same journey.  

The Creative Investor App 

The Creative Investor App is immersive mobile app environment where you can access the Individual Investor OS curriculum, The Creative Investor Workshop Community, and daily done with you investing system signals and commentary curated by Justin Saffel - The Creative Investor. 

You'll be able to invest right alongside Justin as he shows you step-by-step and day by day, how he uses the same systems to manage a $4M+ portfolio in just a few hours per week.  

Bonus: The Creative Investor Strategy Session - 1hr 

Enroll in The Creative Investor - Individual Investor OS and unlock an exclusive, initial one-hour intensive strategy session with Justin Saffel, your guide and expert investment advisor. This session is a cornerstone of the course, offering personalized, actionable guidance:

  • Custom Investment Strategy: Tailored specifically to your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment timeline.
  • 30, 60, 90-Day Action Plan: Leave the session with a clear, immediate action plan to jumpstart your investment journey.
  • Expert Market Insights: Benefit from Justin's deep understanding of market trends and investment opportunities, tailored to help you navigate the financial landscape with confidence.
  • Blueprint for Continued Success: Establish a foundation for sustained growth with strategies for long-term investment success.

This strategy session is more than just advice; it's a personalized roadmap designed to accelerate your journey to financial mastery. Seize this unique opportunity to work directly with Justin Saffel and lay the groundwork for your investment success.

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Who is this system for? 

Not everyone is going to be right for The Creative Investor Academy 

You're a good fit for this course if: 

✅ You know that this course is a tool, and you’ll need to use it.

✅ You’re willing to reassess or even pivot from your existing investment ideas.

✅ You know that, like with anything, “showing up every day” and patience is required to create something great.

✅ You know that if success was just a one-size-fits-all simple formula, then everyone would be successful.

✅ You take action and don’t allow yourself to make excuses that keep you from moving forward.

✅ You’re willing to reach out and get the help you need when you get stuck.

You're not a good fit for this course if: 

❌ You equate success with just buying a course.

❌ You’re not willing to do the unsexy work that’s required to become an individual investor.

❌ You’re expecting me to just tell you exactly what to do every minute of every day.

❌ “What investing platform should I use?” takes precedence over “How do I build and maintain a profitable portfolio?”

❌ You’re expecting THIA to be a technical manual on tools like TradingView and brokerage platforms.


Ready to Join The Individual  Investor OS Community? 


How much does it cost? 

Considering the invaluable expertise and targeted guidance offered by The Individual Investor Operating System, it's essential to reflect on the significance of opportunity cost and the implications of delaying your investment education. I've dedicated countless hours and a substantial amount of money to mastering investing techniques and navigating through costly mistakes, so you won't have to.

Delaying the enhancement of your investment strategy could mean missing out on compounded returns and the financial security that comes with timely, informed decisions. 

The Creative Investor - Individual Investor OS is priced to reflect the profound, long-term value it delivers to serious investors. It's designed for those who view their financial growth as a strategic endeavor, akin to running a business. The knowledge, strategies, community and systems you'll acquire have the power to transform your financial future, making the course an investment in your financial independence and mastery. Especially considering (a) how much your life can change, and (b) the potential return on investment during your lifetime.

Weighing the course's cost against the opportunity cost and the tangible effect of delaying your financial growth underscores its value. Joining The Individual Investor OS is a strategic move towards financial success and security, an investment in a wealthier, wiser, and more empowered future.

Here's the investment required to commence this transformative journey. View it not merely as a cost but as a commitment to a brighter financial future.

The Individual Investor Operating System

  • 🧠 The Core Individual Investor Curriculum - The Individual Investor Foundations, Advanced Index Investing OS, and Simplified Index Investing OS: Over 5 hours of material covering the A-Z of personal finance and investing, from understanding budgeting to stock market fundamentals to advanced index ETF investment strategies, turning your investment portfolio from a passive interest into a significant source of wealth & income. Life-time value easily in the millions of dollars.

  • 🔑 Unlimited Access to all course material, ensuring that as the market evolves and your investment journey progresses, you'll always have the most current and impactful insights at your fingertips. ($9,997.00 value)

  •  📗Bi-weekly Q&A session and webinars from Justin Saffel, sharing insights into his investment processes, philosophies, and the lessons learned. There’s a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw from (valued at over $5,995 annually)

  • 💪 "The Creative Investor App" actionable insights and alerts delivered directly to your mobile device in addition to mobile access to the course and community (valued at $2,388.00 annually). 
  •  🔥 "The Creative Investor Workshop Community" only available through the course to help you become a savvy, confident individual investor with a robust portfolio (valued at over $588.00 annually).

  • 🎁Bonus "The Creative Investor Strategy 1:1 Session" Develop a personalized investment plan, optimize your existing portfolio, and implement actionable steps to secure your financial future (valued at $249.00).
  • 📕 The Individual Investor Workbook - A comprehensive 160-page digital guide supplementing the course, breaking down lessons into actionable exercises that will cement your learning and drive your investment success. ($99.00 value).

  • 🚀 The Individual Investor Productivity System, including checklists, frameworks, and templates designed to make you an efficient and effective investor. ($49.00 value).

Total Value: $19,365.00


Now Just: $149.00/ Month 



Join Now

The Individual Investor OS is perfect for all skill levels and will continue to improve and expand.


Use the most efficient and risk-free way for serious beginners to become successful investors.


Get to know the behind-the-scenes of a $1M+ portfolio manager and replicate it for your investments.


Learn tactics and strategies that took me to $1M in assets and beyond.

Improvements Planned for The Creative Investor OS

Every customer gets lifetime access with their one-time payment. I plan on continuously expanding this course with additional content, taught by myself and guest experts. You’ll get these updates free of charge.

Updates could include:

✓ New video lessons

✓ Outside expert presentations and in-depth tutorials

✓ Case studies interviews with successful students

✓ Additions and improvements to the Index Investing OS and Advance Index Investing OS

✓ Updated software lists and third-party vendor recommendations

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Meet the Founder

Hi, I'm Justin Saffel. I help individual investors own their investment portfolio's and their life.

I started my Investment career in 2010 just after the 2008 financial crisis. Back then investing was just a passion project while I was getting started in my engineering career.

But my investments kept growing and with that, I kept investing more time into learning all I can about personal finance and investing in the financial markets. In 2024, at the age of 37, I passed $1 million in assets and in 2024, I launched The Creative Investor - Individual Investor OS.


  • I've become an investment advisor and started an asset management company with nearly $4M in AUM and growing.
  • I've competed in the United States Investing Championship.
  • I have a YouTube channel, newsletter, and website to help teach people everything they didn't teach you in school about personal finance and investing. 
  • I am creating bulletproof programs on creating life-changing personal finance and investment strategies to give you the best shot at financial freedom.

I've documented literally everything I've ever learned about growing your investments in this operating system.

And if you want to learn from me to shortcut your own learning curve, you're in the right place. 

Frequently Asked Questions

No-Questions-Asked Refund Policy


Last but not least...

We want The Creative Investor Foundations experience to be 100% risk free.

So, our refund policy is very simple.

If you complete the entire program, complete all the modules, and implement all of our frameworks and strategies into your investing, and STILL don’t feel like you extracted the value you hoped, send us your investment portfolio statements and we will give you a full refund.

No questions asked.

The reason we put this stipulation in place is because we KNOW that the frameworks and strategies we teach in The Creative Investor Foundations. The variable we don’t have control over is that you have to be the one to put them into action.

Start Building a Profitable Investment Portfolio Today!

The Individual Investor OS 

The Individual Investor OS is my flagship product - it's the ultimate self-paced online course that teaches you everything you need to know to grow your investments, while saving you years (if not decades) along the way to financial freedom. 

This is the course that teaches my strategy for managing a $1M+ portfolio, the catalyst for my own personal growth. This course is guaranteed to help you along your investment journey in ways you can't yet imagine. 

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